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What Our Clients Are Saying

"Savings, Freedom, and Better Healthcare"

Dr. Ronald Ghiz is a dentist in New York City. With HealthShare Works, he saves $25,000 a year for a staff of four, who now enjoy complete freedom to choose their own, preferred, medical professionals.

Vaughn T. Vernon is a business owner and the founder of Affiliate Guard in Utah. He said “goodbye” to $5,000 in deductibles and enjoys the considerable savings he receives with the medical-cost sharing managed by HealthShare Works.

Chloe is an entrepreneur with a thriving ceramics business and is also an extreme sports enthusiast. Using HealthShare Works, she now enjoys “gold-level” health care that also fits her budget.

Susie Worthington and her husband own a CrossFit business and recently brought a new baby into their lives. HealthShare Works paid for their midwife AND many other things that allow them to responsibly care for their growing family.

Jaime Smith is an independent business consultant who was on a costly COBRA plan. With HealthShare Works, she managed to save money while keeping her preferred doctor!

HealthShare Works is about supporting our members with incredible service and advice when it comes to navigating the complex medical landscape.